It was especially moving to witness the neophyte, Xenia, wearing her white baptismal robe and holding a lit baptismal candle, approach the Holy Chalice to receive the Eucharist for the first time following her baptism.

At the conclusion of the worship, Bishop Sotirios congratulated the newly-illumined Xenia and shared with those in attendance the heartfelt thanks of Fr. Constantinos Shevchenko and of their brothers and sisters in the city of Alania (Turkey), who are now worshipping in the newly-build church of the Panagia Pisidiotissa.
The Russian community of Seoul had donated a large icon of Christ to the newly-build church in Alania. This icon of the Lord as High Priest, which was painted at one of the best icon studios in Moscow, was installed in the Archiepiscopal Throne of the new Church.

After the distribution of holy bread, all believers together with the clergy processed to a creek in the vicinity of the monastery to celebrate the Blessing of the Waters. The community feast-day dinner at the monastery provided the ideal occasion for Bishop Soterios to share the many positive developments that have occurred in the Metropolis of Pisidia in recent months, including the construction of the Church of The All-Holy Lady Pisidiotissa, the official door-opening of the Church by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and a recent miracle of the Holy Icon of Panagia Pisidiotissa, which contributed to the decision to dedicate the new church in Alanya to the All-Holy Lady, Protector of Pisidia.