We are delighted to welcome you to our website. We hope you find the information here interesting and useful, whether you are Orthodox Christians who live permanently in Alanya or are just here on vacation.
For those Orthodox Christians who wished to visit Alanya for years but did not know if there was a functioning Orthodox Church there, they can now see all they need to know in the “SCHEDULE OF SERVICES” section. In this section, there is a listing of the times and locations for the Divine Liturgy and other Holy Services each week.
In the “NEWS” section, you will receive information about events and special occasions of the Orthodox Community of Alanya and the Orthodox Metropolitan District of Pisidia, Side, and Antalya.
The greater purpose of this website is to foster community and connect all Orthodox of Alanya to a great spiritual family, so that no one feels alone as long as they live in this beautiful area.
The father confessor and the penitant (17/07/2022)

Just as for the treatment of physical diseases we resort to the specialized doctor, so also for the wounds of the soul our loving Mother Church ordained that we resort to Spiritual Doctors, of whom the first one is the Bishop. But because it is not possible for him to receive all the Christians of his Diocese, the Bishop selects suitable Priests and grants them his permission and blessing to confess the faithful. The simple communication of believers with the Spiritual Father can be done at any time to receive advice or whatever else. But when the believer wants to confess, in order to receive forgiveness of sins, then the Mystery of Repentance-Confession is conducted. Through this mystery, the believer opens the secrets of his soul with sincerity and in a spirit of repentance and confesses to God, before the Spiritual Father, all his sins. At the end the Spiritual Father will give the appropriate instructions and since the confession was complete, he reads the Prayer of Absolution and the one who has confessed is cleansed of his sins and his life is renewed.